Explore the potential advantages of investing in REOCs.

For institutional investors seeking a more customized approach to their real estate investment strategy, REOC initiatives can help broaden the available investment solution mix, with the potential upside associated with entity ownership. REOC entities can be involved in a variety of real estate investment businesses, but will often specialize by property type, geographic region, and investment style. The size of the entities can also range from start-ups to established platforms.
  • Exclusive or more permanent access to real estate transaction pipelines.

  • Participation in value gain of REOC investment by selling the platform at some future point.

  • Enhanced control—not just of the investment strategy but operating considerations, including staffing levels through different cycles.

  • Enhanced alignment of interest, transparency, and focus of sponsorship on client goals.

  • Reduced net investment management fees and/or diversified investor earnings from third party capital fee revenue generation.

  • Opportunity to structure the investment to maximize institutional owner/investor tax efficiency.

A broad range of real estate investment solutions.

Our experienced investment teams provide comprehensive, specialized, and sustainable capabilities across all four quadrants of commercial real estate—public equity, private equity, public debt, and private debt—as well as infrastructure investing. Whatever real estate strategy or combination of strategies you believe is right for your objectives, we can help.

  • Private equity

    Core, Value-add, and Opportunistic Strategies

  • Private debt

    Commercial Mortgages and High Yield Debt

  • Public equity

    Listed REIT Securities

  • Public debt

    Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities

  • Listed infrastructure

    Listed Infrastructure Securities

  • Financing solutions

    Private Debt Origination

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Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Real estate investment options are subject to risks associated with credit, liquidity, interest rate fluctuation, adverse general and local economic conditions, and decreases in real estate values and occupancy rates.

Principal Real Estate is a trade name of Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC, an affiliate of Principal Global Investors.