Featured outlook

How will the global political scene unfold?

Dr. George Friedman, internationally recognized geopolitical forecaster, shares his views.

Eric Shimp (moderator)
International Government Relations, Principal Financial Group

Dr. George Friedman
Chairman and Founder of Geopolitical Futures

Looking for pockets of opportunity for portfolios?


Todd Jablonski
Chief Investment Officer, Asset Allocation

What are experts’ best ideas for 2023?

Speakers (5):

Kamal Bhatia (moderator)
Chief Operating Officer

Patrick Chang
Chief Investment Officer, Equities, Principal Southeast Asia

Scott R. Smith
Portfolio Manager, Real Estate

Howe Chung Wan
Portfolio Manager, Asian Fixed Income

Todd Jablonski
Chief Investment Officer, Asset Allocation

2023 = hard landing?

Speakers (3):

Seema Shah (moderator)
Chief Global Strategist

Howe Chung Wan
Portfolio Manager, Asian Fixed Income

Christopher Leow
Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer, Principal Singapore